Today was our last full day in Valencia, Spain with the adults and students at Balletvale+. Huge strides were taken, new connections were made and an entirely new way of thinking and community was forged. Since this is the only night where we can actually take some time to enjoy this beautiful city, we're going to do just that, but stay tuned for another post before the end of the weekend that sums up our experience

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Enter The Faun made it's European premier tonight en CINES ABC PARK in Valencia, Spain. We couldn't be happier and are forever grateful for our hosts and the sponsors that made this all possible. Nos Encantamos, Gregg & Tamar Vamanos Mujeres! I don't want to miss the previews!   Mira! That's our film up there! Tamar & Gregg give an interviewed for Spanish Television The dancers from Balletvale+ and our Ballerinos friends from yesterday who came

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History makes one aware that there is no finality in human affairs; there is not a static perfection or an unimproveable wisdom to be achieved. -Bertrand Russell The worlds of dance, disability and medicine came together in a wonderful way today. Tamar, myself and the dancers of Balletvale+ visited Valencia's premier's dance company, Generalitat Valenciana. With any traditional dance company, the professional dancers would have taught the dancers with disabilities, but the work that Tamar

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It has been a very full forty-eight hours. I feel like Tamar and I have accomplished more in two days here in Spain then we ever could have imagined. This is in large part due to the generosity and dedication of our wonderful hosts at Balletvale+, who bring not only their incredible knowledge of dance to the table, but whom have created a space so filled with love and compassion for everyone who come through

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Tamar and I arrived in Valencia, Spain yesterday at the invitation of the fine people of Balletvale+, a local dance company founded by Esther Mortes. Balletvale+ started a dance program for young children with cerebral palsy in 2012 after Marcia Castillo, a local professor who's young daughter has CP, saw the Good Morning America profile (which originally aired in 2009), about our work and Diagnosis Of A Faun. We are thrilled that our work continues

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